Fatten Your Bottom Line in 30 Days! 5-Day Challenge with Chris Mahan Consulting
Date and Time
Monday Mar 6, 2023 Friday Mar 10, 2023
Contact Information
Chris Mahan Consulting
(937) 509-6559

You will leave with at least 3 KEY ACTIONS to implement for revenue growth in the NEXT 30 DAYS!
Imagine what you could do with extra cash in your business at the end of the month!
What You'll Learn:
One Tactic that will Increase Your Revenue TOMORROW!
Two Strategies to Make More Money with Each Transaction
How to Turn a "NO" into a Sale
Why it Makes Sense to Treat Your Existing Customers Like They are Gold
Chris will be covering at least 5 different strategies you can implement in your business right now that will lead to increased revenue and profits. You should be able to use at least three of those strategies which will lead to a fatter bottom line within the next 30 days.
Meet Your Host:
Chris Mahan is a business optimization expert whom small business owners hire when they want to streamline their business processes and systems in order to be more productive and to significantly increase their revenue within a twelve month period. He also assists them in developing a strategic marketing plan that will enable them to generate more leads for their business and convert those leads into loyal customers.
"Some small business owners are stressed over the overall financial outlook for 2023. I firmly believe that any business that implements the strategies and tactics I teach will not only survive the coming financial storm - I believe they will THRIVE!"